Europe City Project

The Europe City project is a new build residential development featuring district heating. Located in a welldeveloped area of the capital with excellent infrastructure, the yard territory of the residential complex spans 
10,000 square meters. This elite multi-storey complex includes underground parking, office buildings, and built-in 
premises for various purposes such as retail space, a cinema, and recreation areas.

The complex consists of seven blocks: four blocks with 18 floors each, two blocks with 22 floors each, and one block
with 25 floors. In total, there are 520 apartments across a total area of 3 hectares.

The Hydronic Challenge

The primary challenge of the project was the building’s height and division into zones by floors. The heating system
was branched with zones featuring different pressures, necessitating the removal of air from the systems during
start-up and ongoing operation. Additionally, the area designated for heating stations was limited, presenting
further complications. 

The Solution

To address these challenges, IMI specialists suggested the use of balancing valves and differential pressure
regulators during the design stage. These components were essential in preventing the imbalance of heating
systems maintain consistent pressure across each floor. Heat quantity regulation was managed in automatic
heating stations via control valves. Differential pressure regulators stabilised the differential pressure within the
heating station, enhancing the authority of the control valve. This approach ensured that the systems consume
heat according to the design data and temperature conditions.

Transfero stations were installed in each zone to stabilize thermal pressure fluctuations. Vento degassing units
operated automatically, and the makeup of the heating systems was also automated. The installation of pressure
maintenance stations effectively addressed the issue of limited space for heating stations.

The operation of heating units using weather-dependent automation and IMI control valves resulted in significant
heat energy savings, reducing the energy costs for tenants.

Start-up and adjustment of equipment

Customer Quote

“Orda Invest cooperated with IMI Hydronic Engineering in the construction of the Europe City Residential Complex. 
IMI Hydronic Engineering specialists provided technical support to the designers at the HVAC design stage and 
participated in hydraulic calculations. After the assembly works and installation of the equipment, IMI Hydronic 
Engineering employees participated in the start-up and adjustment of the equipment. Orda Invest is satisfied with 
the quality of the installed equipment.
The technical characteristics of the equipment meet the design specifications, and the building’s heat supply system 
is working in accordance with the design parameters. Based on our experience working with IMI Hydronic Engineering 
and its partners, we plan to continue cooperation and collaboration on upcoming projects.”

-Zhanybek Omarov
Director of Construction, Orda Construction

The Products Used

STAD Dn 15-50 (>700 pcs)
STAP Dn 15-40 (>200 pcs)
Zeparo ZUV Dn 32-40 (13 pcs)
CV 216 GG Dn 15-40 (43 pcs)
MC 55/230 (43 pcs)
DA 616 Dn 15-50 (26 pcs)
Transfero TU (12 pcs)
Statico SD (12 pcs)
Transfero connect TV (12 pcs)

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